You never know what you're going to find in sleepy ol' Strathmere or Whale Beach. In the past week I've spied a lot of interesting stuff, but I will start with the most bizarre item. I realize we're in the age where people ride everything in the water, but to drag a box spring to the beach to ride or dump is so stupid. When you factor in the million dollar, beachfront homes around this spot, it is absolutely infuriating. A lot easier to just dump off on someone else than to pay your five bucks and haul it to the dump. The only part that makes me smile is that it looks as if someone used the $15, CVS special, boogie board as a pillow. Maybe it was just a latenight camp out?

A few blocks down, my wife snagged this picture of me trimming down the line on a tiny peeler, opting for my Ricky Schroeder Special (Bing Silver Spoon) rather than paddling out on the box spring. Notice the butterfly going left.
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