Friday, March 27, 2009

Thanks For Sharing

Somehow, in the recent glut of records coming in the mail, I missed giving this record its day in the sun. I was/am a more casual listener of Lickgoldensky. I've listened to Enjoy Terror or the Beautiful Sounds... their fair share of times, but not as much as some other Lehigh Valley stalwarts that are in constant rotation on my record player. Anway, this record is the demo, recorded in '98, put on to vinyl as a split release from the Lehigh Valley label Square of Opposition Records and the new label Hardcore is Dead out of Rochester. The demo sounds great: a lot more punishing, chaotic and heavier than the bands' other releases and that's saying a lot if you haven't heard them. The vocals and recording are really raw, which it my opinion makes it sound all the better. I suggest getting in contact with Square of Opposition and ordering up a copy or two on multiple colors of vinyl.

Perhaps the most charming part of the release is the inclusion of the lyrics sheet. I haven't read "feel good" lyrics like these since Eyehategod:

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