Some new music to check: Bad American. Angry hardcore with an early 80s slant. I've heard a lot of different band names thrown around as far as the sound and all are pretty accurate, but you can read those on the band pages below . The other info that gets thrown around is the whole ex-members deal. Members of Weston, Carpenter Ant and Rancor (oh and Grow too). Forget what those bands sound like though and just know that if you dig those bands, you're getting something brand new and just as awesome. I was way into Fresh Meat (a former project), but this is faster and waaay more pissed.
I haven't gotten home to catch them yet, but they're part of a group of Valley bands that I am psyched on seeing or seeing again (B.A., Secret Cutter, Unlearn). I included the demo and the 7 inch, both of which are sold out, or are close to being sold out. The vinyl and demo are worth tracking down, even if they aren't repressed. Get into it and support.
Bad American Big Cartel
Bad American Facebook
Bad American Myspace